It was reported that the 3rd China (Hunan) International Mineral & Gem Show was closed in Chenzhou city successfully on May 25, 2015. The total volume of transactions hit 1.6 billion yuan and 380.000 people visited the show.

This mineral show followed the exhibition arrangement of “one center and three sub-halls” with total exhibition areas of 100,000 square meters. Chenzhou International Convention & Exhibition Center was the main hall and Chenzhou Geological Resources Museum, Chenzhou World’s Non-ferrous Metals Museum and Shizhuyuan National Mine Park Museum were three sub-halls.
Chenzhou International Convention & Exhibition Center was a comprehensive hall with the functions of exhibition and sales. Chenzhou World’s Non-ferrous Metals Museum focused on “interaction” and science popularization. Chenzhou Geological Resources Museum and Shizhuyuan National Mine Park Museum were mainly used for the exhibition of mineral crystals.
Concerned for the organization of activities, this mineral show highlighted some “Chenzhou features” as “interaction”, “a mineral show held on the shaft head”, and etc. Different activities as summit forum, science investigation in caves, treasure hunting, science forum, investment promotion conference, and etc. were held in the show, which were well received by the visitors.
It was with a relative high degree of internationalization for this mineral show that over 80 international exhibitors and tens authoritative experts of mineral crystal gem attended the show. Dinosaur fossils, the longest native gold of the world and some other national level treasures were available there. “Museum’s functions on protection of geological relics (mineral fossils)” and some other scientific achievements were shown in the mineral show.
It was hot for the marketing of this mineral show that over 2,616 stands set for it were booked out two months before the opening of the show. Over one hundred thousand of exhibits were exhibited in the 300 international stands and 2000 more domestic stands set in the show.
Many visitors were attracted there. The maximum amount of visitors in a single day hit 80,000 and volume of transactions hit 500million yuan.